Atlantis Project
The Atlantis project was motivated by the potential of suitably 3-D engineered and functionalized porous structured reactors materialized by exploiting a multidisciplinary but common knowledge base of the consortium partners. And to bring important breakthroughs not only in the dynamically evolving market for automotive emission control systems, but also in rapidly emerging biotech markets, such as that of recombinant protein antibodies. Therefore, the objectives were to improve the required knowledge base and component technologies in nano structured porous media and apply them for the manufacturing.
13 European partners covering a broad spectrum of technologies and areas of expertise with the purpose of mutually developing improved exhaust gas cleaning systems and compact bioreactors. Photo to the utmost right is interesting being the first attempt of a scaffold based bioreactor designed by Stobbe Tech in 2008.
A highly efficient (with comfortable safety margins compared to legislated emission standards), compact emission control system for lean burn engines (e.g. for Diesel powered engines that will dominate by >70% the European mobility market in 2010) based on ceramics, ceramic fibers or metal fibers.
A hyper-compact (an order of magnitude with respect to current designs) high yield – continuous mode (tenfold increase compared to current inefficient batch mode reactors) integrated bioreactor based on ceramics, ceramic fibers or metal fibers.
- CRF – Centro Ricerche Fiat – Orbassano / Torino, Italy –
- Johnson Matthey – England –
- Baekert – Belgium –
- CPERI – Thessaloniki, Greece -
- Montan University, Austria –
- Politecnica Torino, Italy –
- Fachhochschule Koblens, Germany –
- Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, France –
- CTI, Salindres, France –
- Pyrogenesis, Greece –
- Stobbe Tech A/S, Denmark –
- Tech in Tex Textil, Austria –
- GTP Technology, France -
Title: “Aerosol Technologies and Hierarchical Assembly / Manufacturing for Advanced Nanostructured Porous Materials”
The Integrated Project sponsored by the EU commission under FP6 with scientific officer Dr. Søren Bøwadt.
Atlantis started on the 1st of January 2007 and lasted 48 month.
The Atlantis project became the foundation of Stobbe Group in 2010. And the introduction to the pharmaceutical business and a whole new range of products and companies.