HydroSol-1 project
The aim of the HydroSol-1 research project was to exploit solar energy for the catalytic dissociation of water and the production of hydrogen. The basic idea was to combine a monolithic ceramic honeycomb structure capable of achieving high temperatures when irradiated with solar energy with an oxide-based redox catalyst system capable of performing water dissociation and being at the same time reversibly reducible and oxidizable at these temperatures, so that complete operation of the whole system (water splitting and catalyst regeneration) can be achieved on a solar monolithic energy converter.
Nice friends and partners on display at CPERI in Greece. One of the wonderful friends from and at DLR in Cologne in front of a miniature early project experiment at DLR. Ceramics - monoliths OD 144 mm 2.000 CPSI and cups designed, developed and manufactured by Stobbe Tech.
Partners was:
- Chemical Process Engineering Research Institute (C.P.E.R.I.) of Greece - apt.cperi.certh.gr
- Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt of Germany - dlr.de
- Stobbe Tech A/S of Denmark – stobbe.com
- Johnson-Matthey Fuel Cell Ltd. of UK - matthey.com
Project title: “Catalytic monolith reactor for hydrogen generation from solar water splitting”
HydroSol1 reactor for DLR test
Martin Roeb behind HydroSol reactor
SEM om surface coating
The project was sponsored by the EU commission under FP5
Project period: start 01oct02 end 30oct05